How often should I stretch for the splits?

The Front Splits

“Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.”

- Martha Graham, American Dancer & choreographer

Before we dive in, I have a question for you…

What benefits will I gain from being able to perform the front split?

Get a pen and paper, and write down your answers…

Why would I like to be able to achieve the front split in the first place?

For the confidence boost we get from enhanced aesthetics in our performance? To achieve more advanced aerial moves because of our increased range of mobility? The enjoyment of a challenge and celebrating achieving another physical goal? To stand out more in class, or feel more empowered in an audition?

When we realise how much value the splits adds to our skill set, we are more likely to achieve our goals. This is because we prioritise our practice, stay focused and stick to training plans. All because we understand the importance behind the hard work! Achieving the splits takes time and consistent practice, therefore we have to be in it for the process, not just the result!

Work Smarter

Not Harder

What + how many times a week?

Your main focus should be consistency with training the basics and fundamentals.

IMPORTANT: Work with your flexibility coach to work out which exercises are right for you, a unique training plan and a personalised method for success.

At Repose, we advocate a solid routine of 3x focused sessions a week - this gives us plenty of time for rest and recovery. These 3 sessions do not have to be hours long, we prescribe 20-30 minutes to begin with.


Watch our splits technique recordings

Repose Recordings & Members Area are available to subscribers only.

Repose Online Splits Technique Recordings at our Members Area


Quality over quantity
Our Repose community is always reminded that it’s not the quantity of reps, the long hours of training, or the “push push push” mentality that allows for progress and achievement. In our experience, what delivers quicker results and is safer for the body is having the right mindset. We encourage body aware, thinking movers, so that we can work with more efficiency. Work Smarter, Not Harder. Put time into understanding what is needed to achieve your goal. All the moments in class where we stop to observe another’s practice, or the time we spend filming and analysing our technique. The time we spend researching about the technique before performing, like now, you’re reading this blog to work out how you should be training, (well done you!). The moments of pause can be just as powerful as the moments doing. Our technique isn’t going to be perfect or adapt straight away, but we can cut out the taxing and ineffective habits and muscle memory patterns, and instead work with more thinking time, focus and mind body connection. By spending time focusing on the correct alignment, and listening to how our body feels, means we can progress more quickly and safely!

Repose Online Yoga Instructor Ellen

Working with a coach

The best thing you can do to set you up for success, is to work with a coach. They will hold you accountable for your practice, and guide you along your journey to find the most effective and efficient way for progress. A good coach will understand what you need individually, and not let you slide into bad habits. They will motivate and inspire you, and keep you focused towards your goals!

Common questions

“How long will it take me to get the splits?”.

You aren’t going to like the answer. IMPORTANT: be aware of any coach. programme/ online source that feeds you specific numbers or timelines!

There is no right answer, there are too many variables. How active are you? What other hobbies do you do? Do you have any injuries? What’s your mentality like with goals and targets? How often can you practice? What stage are you at currently? Are you already working on your mobility? The list goes on and on and on and on.

There is no one size fits all. Each journey towards the splits will look completely different from person to person, and that’s exactly how it should be.

My Splits Practice MUST HAVE!

Begin your splits journey with us


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